To begin trading on CoinJar Exchange, you first need to have funds available in the currency accounts you wish to place orders with. CoinJar Exchange is directly linked to your CoinJar, allowing you to send funds across from your CoinJar account directly into the accounts within your CoinJar Exchange.
Likewise, if you wish to transfer funds out of your CoinJar Exchange to your CoinJar or an external cryptocurrency address, you can make a new transfer from CoinJar Exchange to your CoinJar, then make a new payment from there.
Transferring funds
- Once signed in to CoinJar Exchange, click on the "Transfers" option near the top right of the screen. You can select wether you are transferring funds into CoinJar Exchange from your CoinJar account, or out of CoinJar Exchange into your CoinJar account.
- Enter in the amount you wish to transfer and click on the "Transfer Now" button.
- The transferred funds will now be available in the respective account, and record of your previous transfers are stored under 'History' in the Transfers section of your CoinJar Exchange.