1. Enter your CoinJar's email address and password
Visit CoinJar, or open the CoinJar app, and enter your email and password to begin the sign in process.
Resetting your CoinJar password
If you no longer have access to your CoinJar's password, you can select 'Trouble signing in?' on the CoinJar sign in page to request a new password reset email. If you don't receive these reset instructions in your inbox within a few minutes, please ensure they aren't being redirected to your email address's spam/junk folder.
Please note that CoinJar passwords are encrypted and cannot be recovered if lost. Resetting your password is the only way to regain access to your account, and is easily done if you still have access to your CoinJar's email address.
Updating your CoinJar's email address
If you no longer have access to your CoinJar's email address, please email CoinJar Support for assistance. You will be required to provide further verification details in order to have your CoinJar's email address manually updated.
2. Approve your sign in
If this is the first time you're signing in on this particular device, you'll be sent a new sign in approval email to your CoinJar's email address. This is a quick additional security step that allows you confirm your sign in and authorise the device for future sign ins.
Approving your sign in on a desktop or laptop
- You'll be sent an email called 'Approve your recent CoinJar sign in'. If this is not showing up in your inbox, please check your junk/spam folder.
- Provided you're confident the details of the person signing in match your own, select the orange 'Approve this sign in' button at the bottom of the email. You do not need to reset your password.
- With the device now approved, you will be redirected back to sign in with your email address and password one final time.
Approving your sign in on the CoinJar app
- You'll be sent an email called 'Approve your recent CoinJar sign in'. If this is not showing up in your inbox, please check your junk/spam folder.
- Provided you're confident the details of the person signing in match your own, select the orange 'Approve this sign in' button at the bottom of the email. You do not need to reset your password. Clicking the orange button will redirect you back to the CoinJar app, with a success message to let you know you have approved this device.
- With the device now approved, you will be redirected back to sign in with your email address and password one final time.
Approving your sign in on the CoinJar app (QR Code)
This method is best if you're looking to use the CoinJar app but don't have your email account synchronised with your mobile device, or if you're having trouble approving your sign in.
- You'll be sent an email called 'Approve your recent CoinJar sign in'. If this is not showing up in your inbox, please check your junk/spam folder. Important: Make sure to open this email on a device different to the one you're trying to approve.
- Provided you're confident the details of the person signing in match your own, select the orange 'Approve this sign in' button at the bottom of the email. You do not need to reset your password. Clicking the orange button on the other device will open a new tab and display the QR Code.
- In your CoinJar app, tap 'Verify this device using QR code', then scan the QR code displayed on the other device by lining up your device's camera with the QR Code.
- With the device now approved, you will be redirected back to sign in with your email address and password one final time.
Still having trouble?
Check : approve your sign in on the same device you're using to sign in
CoinJar relies on data (known as cookies) stored within your browser to keep track of where you're signing in. So if your browser is set up to block cookies or periodically clear any cached information, you may run into issues. Most browsers won't do this by default.
This also means that if you begin signing in using one browser, you'll have to approve the sign in and return to that same browser to proceed. If you change browsers or devices at any stage, you'll be sent a new sign in approval email and it can seem like you're going in circles.
Check : private browsing mode
If your browser is set to 'private' or 'incognito' browsing mode, CoinJar will not be able to store data within the browser. This will cause your sign in approval to fail, because CoinJar will recognise it as a new browser each time you try to sign in.
Disable private browsing mode and try signing in again.
Check : web view / "popup" browser window
Depending on what email app you're using, when you select the orange 'Approve this sign in' button it may bring up its own popup browser window. This can cause your sign in approval to fail, since this new browser window may not share the same cached data as your actual browser app. On iOS in particular, it will come down to whether the developer of the email app enabled this.
In this case, right click or press and hold the orange 'Approve this sign in' button within the sign in approval email to copy the approval link. Switch back to the browser you began signing in on, and then paste the link directly into the URL bar to finish this process.
3. Authenticate with Enhanced Security
If you have Enhanced Security enabled on your CoinJar, you'll be asked to authenticate using one of your Enhanced Security authenticators. You can also choose to 'Remember this browser for 2 weeks', which will allow you to sign in on this device/browser without providing authentication for the next 14 days.
If your Enhanced Security authenticator is not providing a correct code
Please refer to our article Troubleshooting Enhanced Security for tips on how to resolve issues related to Enhanced Security codes.
If you're prompted for an authenticator you cannot access
If you have at least one of your Enhanced Security authenticators, you'll be able to select 'More options' to choose any of your active authenticators to be able to sign in. Once signed in, you can visit your CoinJar's under 'More to remove any inactive authenticators.
If you no longer have the ability to provide codes from any of the Enhanced Security authenticators you've added, you will need to remove Enhanced Security from your CoinJar by submitting a Support request.
More information can be found in our Knowledge Base articles:
If the CoinJar website will not load
If you're using an ad blocker, or some other browser plugin that would prevent Google Analytics from operating normally, you may receive a Cloudfront error page or a completely blank screen. Please try disabling any interfering browser plugins or adding CoinJar to the plugin's whitelist. Using an alternative web browser or device may also allow you to sign in if this is the case.
Supported browsers
Using an outdated browser can cause CoinJar to not be displayed correctly at times. CoinJar is supported on the following browser versions:
Desktop browsers
- Firefox 28+
- Safari 7.1+
- Chrome 35.0+
- Internet Explorer 11+
Mobile browsers
- iPhone: iOS 7/ Safari 7.0+
- Android: Android 4.4+
Still can't access your account?
If none of the tips above are helping you to access your CoinJar, please email CoinJar Support for assistance. To expedite this process, please include screenshots of the page you're getting stuck on, and a description of the steps you've taken so far.